
Wyświetlanie postów z październik, 2021


  DIGITAL OR SOCIAL LITERACY Almost two years ago people all over the world got stuck at home due to pandemic problems. On-line teaching and learning posed a challenge. Most of teachers felt like thrown at the deep end. We knew little about both technology and methodology of on-line courses. Initially digital literacy was the biggest concern. First of all, I thought about my skills and qualifications which were rather shallow. My institution equipped me with MS Teams – a skillful device to handle online meetings as well as Moodle – a complicated but comprehensive system to support asynchronous teaching and learning. I spend a lot of time studying functions and exploring the unknown depth of virtual reality. Here important questions arose: What about students? How will they manage to feel at home in virtual space? What should I do or prepare to support them with basic functionalities of the systems? The answer appeared to be quite simple. They are computer natives and I am only an